Thursday, January 8, 2015

CanCoC 2015 Player's Booklet


CoC: Chain of Command

TFL : Too fat Lardies, the game creators.

TO: Tournament Organiser

Players:  The individuals who sign up to play, and bring an army.

Sides: Each Player will be assigned to one of the sides, Allies or Axis.

Advocate: The Axis players and the Allies players will each choose and Advocate. The function of this Advocate will be to discuss with the TO and all players on that side and choose whether to call HQ for support.

Aggressor & Reactor:  The sides start neutral. Whoever has more victory points is the Aggressor.  Whoever has less is the Reactor. This can change during the tournament. Tied points and the roles remain the same.

Victory Points: When players win or lose scenarios, their side wins or loses victory points. If HQ decides help is needed, they can give the opposition victory points and gain extra support assets. See “Call for Support.”

Relative Platoon Strengths: Platoon strengths will be calculated according to the latest advice on the official CoC forums. By the time we play, the update should be out, with changes such as elites being more expensive.

Call HQ for Support: Allied and Axis HQ will send support to sectors that are in trouble. They will send support assets as they can. They will also listen to a 'call for support' from an Advocate. If you want more support assets available, you can call, and HQ might even listen.

Calling for support has three levels – Light, medium, and heavy.

Calling for support will give the enemy Victory Points, and your troops support points.

There are several levels of unknown variable that will not be communicated to the HQ or the Players. Minimum support points per player will be two, maximum support points will be eight.

Victory points granted to the enemy will also be unknown and unknowable.


What will I need?

A printed copy of this scenario pack, or to ask the TO to have a printed one ready for you.

A fully painted 28 mm army that includes a base platoon and at least 15 support points. This list can be one of the late war lists from the main CoC rulebook, or, with TO approval, another suitable CoC list from the TFL forums.  

Please bring copies of the rulebook, your platoon roster, dices and rulers.

If you are able you to help in this way you may bring a second army to help balance sides, however one must be nominated as your primary army, and you must choose axis or allies. This decision may be made on the day. The TO will bring an axis and an allied force.

How does the overall score and rounds work?

You will choose either axis or allies, and choose your advocate. Then calculate support, play a scenario, report results, discuss results with your advocate, rinse repeat six time.

Each tournament round will have a listed scenario from the book.  Check the scoreboard to determine if your side is Aggressor or Reactor this time, and whether you have received HQ support. Find you total support from a) Relative platoon strength b) Aggressor/ Reactor c) HQ support provided. Play the scenario, and hand in the result with your result sheet.


Saturday 09.00 - 11.30

The Patrol, Book Scenario One.

Strategy Plan:

All Axis and Allies opponents will be chosen by a combination of organised challenge, historic matchup and random rolls. Tables will be assigned at random.


Calculate support for Relative Platoon Strengths

No extra support.

Lists 1 & 2 may be used.

Strategic Result:

The aggressor will be chosen by the side with the highest Victory Point Score

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, zero for a draw, -1 for a loss.



Saturday 12.30 - 15.00

The Flank Attack, Book Scenario Five

Strategic Plan:

Aggressor will choose whether to flank left or right. If Axis chooses left, all Allies stay on their table - All Axis players move one table left.


Calculate Support for Relative Platoon Strengths.

Aggressors add 4 Support Points.

Reactors side add 2 support points.

Reactor may call for support.

Strategic Results:

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, zero for a draw, -1 for a loss.

Whichever side holds the most victory points is the Aggressor.


Saturday 15.30 - 18.00

Attack and Defend, Book Scenario Three

Strategic Plan:

The defenders have called up lots of support assets. They want to get back into the fight. Tables will be assigned by the T.O.


Calculate support points for relative Platoon strengths.

The Reactors add 10 support points.

The Aggressors add 5 support points.

The Aggressors can call for support.

Strategic Results:

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, zero for a draw, -1 for a loss.

Whichever side holds the most victory points is the Aggressor.


Sunday 09.00 - 11.30

Probe, Book Scenario Two

Strategic Plan:

The Aggressor wants to keep the attack rolling. Tables will be assigned by the T.O.


Calculate Support for Relative Platoon Strengths.

The Aggressor adds two support points.

The Reactor adds zero support points.

The Reactor may call for support.

Strategic Results:

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, zero for a draw, -1 for a loss.

Whichever side holds the most victory points is the Aggressor.


Sunday 12.30 - 15.00

A Delaying Action, Book Scenario Four.

Strategic Plan:

The Reactors have laid an elaborate ruse, and the Aggressors have rushed right in. The Reactors have a surprising amount of support, and are trying to throw back the Aggressors


Calculate Support for Relative Platoon Strengths.

Reactors are the scenario ‘attackers’ add eight points of support

The Aggressors are the scenario ‘defenders’ and add four points of support

The Aggressors can call for support.

Strategic Results:

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, zero for a draw, -1 for a loss.

Whichever side holds the most victory points is the Aggressor.


Sunday 15.30 - 18.00

Attack on an objective, Book Scenario Six

Strategic Plan:

The aggressors make the final push for the win.


Calculate Support for Relative Platoon Strengths.

The Aggressors adds seven support points

The Reactor adds three support points.

Support cannot be called.

Strategic Results:

Team Results: One Victory point for a win, -1 for a loss.

Whichever side holds the most victory points is the overall victor.



A query was made to know the maximum differential in support for two sides.

The most extreme case possible would be:

Soviet Green Infantry V Elite Fallschirmjager (+19)

In addition to

Scenario Three: inevitable counterattack where the Aggressors call for heavy support and get maximum (+16) for a total of 35 support.

Where the Soviets would get 35 support and the Fallschirmjager would get 10 support.

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